Securing Your React.js App: What You Need to Know

Andy Charters
August 21, 2023

This dynamic and reusable framework is easy to set up and use if you want to create interactive web applications.

React.js is useful for many applications

  • Several open-source components can be integrated into your project, allowing your project to be more customized

  • Using it, complex applications can be created without reloading the page

  • Easy implementation of a project - you can get started quickly and easily

  • Simple integration with other JS libraries

React is a great framework, as you can see. When using it for your project, there are a few things to keep in mind.

React Security Vulnerabilities

In the modern world, with so much data being shared more than ever before, you must be aware of the risks associated with any technology you use in your application.

The convenience and speed of React make it risky and easy to forget about security concerns.

Although React has fewer attack points than other frameworks, it is still not completely secure.

Due to React's compatibility with other open-source components and the lack of strong default security settings, it becomes prone to security breaches.

A large amount of personal data is shared by various apps on a daily basis. As a result, there is a greater risk of exposing private and financial data.

Using React, your company could become subject to privacy regulation violations if a data breach occurs.

Without proper security features in React, your application will have no use, so it's best to be cautious and take these security risks head-on.

The most common security threats to React applications

The React library is continuously improved and updated, so it is impossible to provide a comprehensive list of vulnerabilities.

However, I will focus here on the most well-known and common threats.

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

The XSS vulnerability is a serious client-side issue. An attacker can inject malicious code into your program that is interpreted as valid and executed as part of the application.

If this happens, the app and the data of the users are compromised.


Cross-site scripting attacks can take two forms:

  • Reflected XSS – The attacker creates a malicious link that includes some JS code that the browser processes in order to gain access and manipulate the page content, cookies, and other important information.

  • Stored XSS – This attack involves storing malicious content on a server and executing it when a user requests the stored data. Unwanted content appears on your site.

2. Broken Authentication

The lack of authorization is another common issue in React.js applications. In this case, attackers can steal credentials and launch brute-force attacks.

As a result of broken authorization, there are numerous risks associated, including session IDs being exposed in URLs, attackers discovering easy and predictable login details, credential transmissions without encryption, and persisting sessions after logging out.

Your application's database is exposed due to this vulnerability. By injecting harmful SQL code, the attacker is able to modify data without permission.

Your hacker will be able to access all your app's data, create fake logins, and control administrator privileges.


In an XXE attack, the attacker targets the XML parser, which is responsible for converting the XML into readable code.

There is malicious code injected into the parsers that collects sensitive data or might attempt CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) and DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks.

The "zip slip" vulnerability in React applications involves exploiting the feature that enables the upload of zip files.

In the event that the archive used to unzip the zip file is not secure, the attacker is able to access the uploaded files outside the assigned directory.

The attacker can use this threat to execute arbitrary commands on some processes within your application.

Random commands are dangerous since they can change your configuration files or any part of the code for that matter.

Now that we know how wrong things can go, let's see what we can do to prevent them.

Best practices for React.js security

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – so ensure that your application is secure by following proper protocols.

You might not consider every vulnerability, but you can certainly improve the security of your app by addressing the most common threats.

Here are some best practices for securing your React application:

1. Secure basic authentication of your React app

To ensure the security of your application, it is important that the connection between the server and the client is secure.

The easiest way to do this is to ensure that the domain header contains the realm attribute.

Users can access restricted data within a realm by entering a username and password.

A security realm can be created in the manner shown below:


Another easy and effective method is to use multi-factor authentication.

A user will only be able to gain access to important features of your application after providing two or more authentication credentials that verify their identity.


In addition, you should always create a new session ID with a server-side session manager for every new login.

By implementing basic secure authentication, your React.js app can mitigate XSS and broken authentication issues.

2. Make sure that the HTML code is resilient

HTML is required to render any React application, so make sure your HTML code is secure. There are three constructive ways to accomplish this:

  • Disable HTML markups

An HTML element that has the disabled attribute set becomes non-mutable. The element cannot be focused on or submitted.

The element can then be validated and enabled only when the validation is true.

Using this method, malicious data cannot be submitted and have disastrous effects.

Here's an example code snippet to disable a button:


  • Use escape characters

A syntax called JavaScript XML (JSX) allows you to write HTML within React.

It also has an inbuilt auto-escaping feature that you can use to make your application secure.

React automatically escapes values that are not part of the bound data when you bind data using curly braces  {}.

Here's an example:


The JSX parser will detect if a hacker attempts to inject extra CSS into the variable myAppColor, such as color: purple, background-color: pink.

As a result, the additional data will be escaped, and the attack will be neutralized.

  • Utilize dangerouslySetInnerHTML and sanitize HTML

You may need to render dynamic HTML code, such as user-provided data. The app uses 'innerHTML', which makes it vulnerable to malicious data.

There is a feature in React that can alert you of this potential vulnerability called dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

A warning is displayed so you can ensure the data entered when this prop exists comes from a trusted source.

Using libraries such as DOMPurify, you can also scan user input and remove malicious content.


The user input can also be scanned and malicious content removed with the help of libraries like DOMPurify.


Consider what happens if an attacker inserts the following code with the image:


This value would be sanitized as follows:


This protects your React application against attacks like XSS and arbitrary code execution.

3. Use allowlist/blocklist and validation while URL parsing

You must be very careful when using the anchor tag <a>  and URLs for linking content to make sure that attackers cannot add JavaScript payloads.

Verify URLs using HTTP or HTTPS protocols to prevent URL-based malicious script injection.


The allowlist/blocklist method is another way to protect your React application.

In allowlisting, you maintain a list of all the links that are safe and can be accessed, whereas, in blocklisting, you keep a list of all potential threats that should be blocked.

A good practice is to allowlist only known sites and block all others. Because it is difficult to keep track of all the possible harmful links, it is a good idea to allowlist only known sites.

Validating URLs prevents broken authentication, XSS, arbitrary code execution, and SQL injection.

4. Always use the principle of least privilege when allowing a connection to any database

When developing a React application, always adhere to the principle of least privilege. Every process and user must be allowed access only to the information and resources they need to fulfill their purpose.

When connecting to your application's database, it is dangerous to allow anyone to update, insert, or delete, so it is important to assign database roles to various users.

If you don't need admin privileges for your application's database, don't give them to anyone. It reduces the chances of SQL injection attacks and makes your application more secure.

5. Secure your React APIs

A strong and weak point of React APIs is that they enable connectivity between your app and other services.

Information can be stored and even commands can be executed using these APIs. This could expose your app to XSS and SQL injection attacks.

Validating the API functions against their API schemas is a powerful mitigation technique against this vulnerability.

In addition, schedule schema validations on a regular basis and encrypt all interactions with SSL/TLS.

Use benign characters instead of < when sending data through APIs.


6. Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAFs monitor, analyze, and filter traffic in both directions in order to detect and block malicious content.

There are three ways to implement a web application firewall:

  • Network-based firewalls are hardware-based.

  • A host-based firewall that is built into the software.

  • Cloud-based WAF

WAF's signature-based filtering prevents SQL injection, XSS, arbitrary code execution and zip slip.

7. Set up proper file management

You should always follow proper file management practices when developing React apps to avoid zip slips and other risks.

  • Ensure that the file names are standard and contain no special characters.

  • When uploading a zip file, rename it before extracting and using it.

  • Organize all files of a single component in one folder to make it easier to find suspicious files.

8. Never serialize sensitive data

Your React application most likely creates its initial state using JSON.

JSON.stringify() is a function that converts any data into a string without detecting malicious values, which makes it potentially dangerous.

It is possible for an attacker to modify valid data such as username and password by injecting JS objects.


Using the serialize-javascript NPM module will escape the rendered JSON, or you can use complex JSON formats that will avoid serialization.

A better way to prevent any mishaps is to leave confidential data off the serialized form.


When creating a React application, you need to be aware of many potential threats.

The lack of proper security can lead to financial loss, wasted time, trust breaches, and legal issues for your app.

Making your React app secure can be quite complex and challenging when there are new vulnerabilities every day and attackers are exploiting more and more loopholes.

If you need React developers with experience in security, you can either hire them or contract with a software development company whose specialty is developing React JS applications.

A security expert is key when it comes to your safety.

This dynamic and reusable framework is easy to set up and use if you want to create interactive web applications.

React.js is useful for many applications

  • Several open-source components can be integrated into your project, allowing your project to be more customized

  • Using it, complex applications can be created without reloading the page

  • Easy implementation of a project - you can get started quickly and easily

  • Simple integration with other JS libraries

React is a great framework, as you can see. When using it for your project, there are a few things to keep in mind.

React Security Vulnerabilities

In the modern world, with so much data being shared more than ever before, you must be aware of the risks associated with any technology you use in your application.

The convenience and speed of React make it risky and easy to forget about security concerns.

Although React has fewer attack points than other frameworks, it is still not completely secure.

Due to React's compatibility with other open-source components and the lack of strong default security settings, it becomes prone to security breaches.


A large amount of personal data is shared by various apps on a daily basis. As a result, there is a greater risk of exposing private and financial data.

Using React, your company could become subject to privacy regulation violations if a data breach occurs.

Without proper security features in React, your application will have no use, so it's best to be cautious and take these security risks head-on.

The most common security threats to React applications

The React library is continuously improved and updated, so it is impossible to provide a comprehensive list of vulnerabilities.

However, I will focus here on the most well-known and common threats.

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

The XSS vulnerability is a serious client-side issue. An attacker can inject malicious code into your program that is interpreted as valid and executed as part of the application.

If this happens, the app and the data of the users are compromised.


Cross-site scripting attacks can take two forms:

  • Reflected XSS – The attacker creates a malicious link that includes some JS code that the browser processes in order to gain access and manipulate the page content, cookies, and other important information.

  • Stored XSS – This attack involves storing malicious content on a server and executing it when a user requests the stored data. Unwanted content appears on your site.

2. Broken Authentication

The lack of authorization is another common issue in React.js applications. In this case, attackers can steal credentials and launch brute-force attacks.

As a result of broken authorization, there are numerous risks associated, including session IDs being exposed in URLs, attackers discovering easy and predictable login details, credential transmissions without encryption, and persisting sessions after logging out.

Your application's database is exposed due to this vulnerability. By injecting harmful SQL code, the attacker is able to modify data without permission.

Your hacker will be able to access all your app's data, create fake logins, and control administrator privileges.


In an XXE attack, the attacker targets the XML parser, which is responsible for converting the XML into readable code.

There is malicious code injected into the parsers that collects sensitive data or might attempt CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) and DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks.

The "zip slip" vulnerability in React applications involves exploiting the feature that enables the upload of zip files.

In the event that the archive used to unzip the zip file is not secure, the attacker is able to access the uploaded files outside the assigned directory.

The attacker can use this threat to execute arbitrary commands on some processes within your application.

Random commands are dangerous since they can change your configuration files or any part of the code for that matter.

Now that we know how wrong things can go, let's see what we can do to prevent them.

Best practices for React.js security

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – so ensure that your application is secure by following proper protocols.

You might not consider every vulnerability, but you can certainly improve the security of your app by addressing the most common threats.

Here are some best practices for securing your React application:

1. Secure basic authentication of your React app

To ensure the security of your application, it is important that the connection between the server and the client is secure.

The easiest way to do this is to ensure that the domain header contains the realm attribute.

Users can access restricted data within a realm by entering a username and password.

A security realm can be created in the manner shown below:


Another easy and effective method is to use multi-factor authentication.

A user will only be able to gain access to important features of your application after providing two or more authentication credentials that verify their identity.


In addition, you should always create a new session ID with a server-side session manager for every new login.

By implementing basic secure authentication, your React.js app can mitigate XSS and broken authentication issues.

2. Make sure that the HTML code is resilient

HTML is required to render any React application, so make sure your HTML code is secure. There are three constructive ways to accomplish this:

  • Disable HTML markups

An HTML element that has the disabled attribute set becomes non-mutable. The element cannot be focused on or submitted.

The element can then be validated and enabled only when the validation is true.

Using this method, malicious data cannot be submitted and have disastrous effects.

Here's an example code snippet to disable a button:


  • Use escape characters

A syntax called JavaScript XML (JSX) allows you to write HTML within React.

It also has an inbuilt auto-escaping feature that you can use to make your application secure.

React automatically escapes values that are not part of the bound data when you bind data using curly braces  {}.

Here's an example:


The JSX parser will detect if a hacker attempts to inject extra CSS into the variable myAppColor, such as color: purple, background-color: pink.

As a result, the additional data will be escaped, and the attack will be neutralized.

  • Utilize dangerouslySetInnerHTML and sanitize HTML

You may need to render dynamic HTML code, such as user-provided data. The app uses 'innerHTML', which makes it vulnerable to malicious data.

There is a feature in React that can alert you of this potential vulnerability called dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

A warning is displayed so you can ensure the data entered when this prop exists comes from a trusted source.

Using libraries such as DOMPurify, you can also scan user input and remove malicious content.


The user input can also be scanned and malicious content removed with the help of libraries like DOMPurify.


Consider what happens if an attacker inserts the following code with the image:


This value would be sanitized as follows:


This protects your React application against attacks like XSS and arbitrary code execution.

3. Use allowlist/blocklist and validation while URL parsing

You must be very careful when using the anchor tag <a>  and URLs for linking content to make sure that attackers cannot add JavaScript payloads.

Verify URLs using HTTP or HTTPS protocols to prevent URL-based malicious script injection.


The allowlist/blocklist method is another way to protect your React application.

In allowlisting, you maintain a list of all the links that are safe and can be accessed, whereas, in blocklisting, you keep a list of all potential threats that should be blocked.

A good practice is to allowlist only known sites and block all others. Because it is difficult to keep track of all the possible harmful links, it is a good idea to allowlist only known sites.

Validating URLs prevents broken authentication, XSS, arbitrary code execution, and SQL injection.

4. Always use the principle of least privilege when allowing a connection to any database

When developing a React application, always adhere to the principle of least privilege. Every process and user must be allowed access only to the information and resources they need to fulfill their purpose.

When connecting to your application's database, it is dangerous to allow anyone to update, insert, or delete, so it is important to assign database roles to various users.

If you don't need admin privileges for your application's database, don't give them to anyone. It reduces the chances of SQL injection attacks and makes your application more secure.

5. Secure your React APIs

A strong and weak point of React APIs is that they enable connectivity between your app and other services.

Information can be stored and even commands can be executed using these APIs. This could expose your app to XSS and SQL injection attacks.

Validating the API functions against their API schemas is a powerful mitigation technique against this vulnerability.

In addition, schedule schema validations on a regular basis and encrypt all interactions with SSL/TLS.

Use benign characters instead of < when sending data through APIs.


6. Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAFs monitor, analyze, and filter traffic in both directions in order to detect and block malicious content.

There are three ways to implement a web application firewall:

  • Network-based firewalls are hardware-based.

  • A host-based firewall that is built into the software.

  • Cloud-based WAF

WAF's signature-based filtering prevents SQL injection, XSS, arbitrary code execution and zip slip.

7. Set up proper file management

You should always follow proper file management practices when developing React apps to avoid zip slips and other risks.

  • Ensure that the file names are standard and contain no special characters.

  • When uploading a zip file, rename it before extracting and using it.

  • Organize all files of a single component in one folder to make it easier to find suspicious files.

8. Never serialize sensitive data

Your React application most likely creates its initial state using JSON.

JSON.stringify() is a function that converts any data into a string without detecting malicious values, which makes it potentially dangerous.

It is possible for an attacker to modify valid data such as username and password by injecting JS objects.


Using the serialize-javascript NPM module will escape the rendered JSON, or you can use complex JSON formats that will avoid serialization.

A better way to prevent any mishaps is to leave confidential data off the serialized form.


When creating a React application, you need to be aware of many potential threats.

The lack of proper security can lead to financial loss, wasted time, trust breaches, and legal issues for your app.

Making your React app secure can be quite complex and challenging when there are new vulnerabilities every day and attackers are exploiting more and more loopholes.

If you need React developers with experience in security, you can either hire them or contract with a software development company whose specialty is developing React JS applications.

A security expert is key when it comes to your safety.

Automation QA Tester

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 5, 2024
Part Time

Project Manager

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 3, 2024
Part Time

Fullstack Javascript Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 2, 2024
Full Time

Technical Lead

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 30, 2024
Full Time

Senior Nuxt / Vue JS Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 22, 2024
Full Time

Full Stack Angular/Node.js Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 20, 2024
Full Time

React Native Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 20, 2024
Full Time

Automation QA Tester

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 20, 2024
Full Time

Senior Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 16, 2024

Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 16, 2024
Full Time

Front-End UI Developer (React + TypeScript) - Crypto & Extension Experience

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 16, 2024
Full Time


Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 15, 2024
Full Time

Senior NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Senior Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

React Native Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring

August 12, 2024
Full Time

DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 9, 2024
Full Time

Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

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Software Engineer

  • Skills: PHP, SQL, JavaScript, some .Net
  • Remote or Makati Offices (Your choice)    
  • Competitive Salary 
  • Philippines Benefits + HMO
  • Shift: Mid-shift
  • Position: Full-time

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This is an exciting opportunity for a video editor who has a growth mindset, who takes pride in their work and enjoys working from the comfort of their home.

June 18, 2024
Full Time

Senior Developer - Zuora Subscription Billing

As a Senior Developer specializing in Zuora Subscription Billing, you will be responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of Zuora Subscription Billing solutions to support our subscription-based business model. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to understand business requirements and implement solutions that align with the company's objectives.

June 17, 2024
Full Time

Senior Backend Engineer

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago.We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

June 14, 2024
Full Time

FileVine Consultant

June 13, 2024
Full Time

Back End Developer (Python)

Writing scalable, robust, testable, efficient, and easily maintainable code. Translating software requirements into stable, working, high performance software. Playing a key role in architectural and design decisions, building toward an efficient microservices distributed architecture.
June 10, 2024
Full Time

Head of Growth Marketing

Cloud Employee is building a ‘Future of Work’ AI driven talent tech platform in the remote software engineer staffing space. 

In this strategic and hands-on creative role, you'll have the opportunity to shape the narrative of remote work and impact the tech industry at a global scale. 

With team members across the US, LATAM, Europe and Asia - we’re on a mission to bridge the talent gap with our matching platform and employee experience programs.

We need your storytelling strategy skills to ‘share the journey’ and the human stories behind our business

May 1, 2024
Full Time

Software QA Test Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior/Team Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Senior/Team Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Senior/Lead Backend Developer - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior/Lead Backend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior UI Developer with Umbraco

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Software Engineer (VB6)

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 12, 2024
Full Time

Senior /Lead Fullstack Developer - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Integrations Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Integration Backend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack Python Developer with React

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack PHP Laravel Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Frontend Developer (React)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Senior DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Our Client

A leading UK-company that specializes in providing foreign currencies solutions

Full Time

Robotics Software Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

In your role as a Robotics Software Engineer, your expertise in Robotic Software Engineering will be the key to your success. Collaborating with our skilled team, you'll play a pivotal role in advancing our cutting-edge product development accelerator. Your responsibilities will involve crafting, programming, and evaluating top-notch software essential for ensuring the dependable and secure operations of commercial robots.

Full Time

Senior Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Python Developer (Senior Level)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Perl Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Mid-Senior Mechanical Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

The position of Mechanical Engineer corresponds to a mid-level role. An ideal candidate for this position possesses robust practical expertise in various technical systems. The responsibilities encompass a combination of individual input within projects and actively leading teams towards achieving a remarkable standard of technical proficiency.

Full Time

Mid-Senior Industrial Design Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

In the role of an Industrial Design Engineer with a focus on cobotics, you will assume a crucial position in envisioning, crafting, and honing both the tangible and operational facets of our collaborative robotic solutions. Your collaboration will extend to cross-functional groups, including mechanical engineers, software developers, and UX designers, in the pursuit of devising cobotic systems centered around users. These systems will redefine effectiveness and safety within industrial settings.


Backend Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A top rated and state of the art cloud based video interviewing solutions company based in the UK catering to over 5000 prominent companies around the world such as Samsung, Uber, Boohoo, Coinbase, 7-Eleven and many more.

Full Time

CNC Machinist

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

CRM Data Specialist (MS Dynamics 365)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Electrical Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Overview

In the role of an Electrical Engineer, your expertise and proficiency in designing electrical-mechanical systems will be a key asset, enabling you to stand out. Collaborating with our skilled team, you will play a vital role in expediting product development processes.

Full Time

Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Front End React Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Front End React Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Frontend Developer (NextJS and React)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Frontend Developer (Senior)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Frontend React Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Full-Stack Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Full-Stack Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full-Stack Laravel/Vue Developer (Jr to Mid)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Full Stack .Net Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Full-Stack Node/VueJS Developer (Mid - Senior)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring

Full Time

Full-Stack PHP Developer (Mid to Senior)

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking passionate mid to senior-level Fullstack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full-Stack PHP Developer Tech Lead

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking passionate Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full stack RoR/VueJS Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Fullstack Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set. We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Fullstack .NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Lead/Senior Frontend Developer (UI/UX) - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established eight years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

Full Time

Marketing Specialists

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set. We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring. ‍
Full Time

Backend Developer (Python)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Full-Stack PHP Developer

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

January 2, 2024
Full Time

Securing Your React.js App: What You Need to Know

February 16, 2024

This dynamic and reusable framework is easy to set up and use if you want to create interactive web applications.

React.js is useful for many applications

  • Several open-source components can be integrated into your project, allowing your project to be more customized

  • Using it, complex applications can be created without reloading the page

  • Easy implementation of a project - you can get started quickly and easily

  • Simple integration with other JS libraries

React is a great framework, as you can see. When using it for your project, there are a few things to keep in mind.

React Security Vulnerabilities

In the modern world, with so much data being shared more than ever before, you must be aware of the risks associated with any technology you use in your application.

The convenience and speed of React make it risky and easy to forget about security concerns.

Although React has fewer attack points than other frameworks, it is still not completely secure.

Due to React's compatibility with other open-source components and the lack of strong default security settings, it becomes prone to security breaches.

A large amount of personal data is shared by various apps on a daily basis. As a result, there is a greater risk of exposing private and financial data.

Using React, your company could become subject to privacy regulation violations if a data breach occurs.

Without proper security features in React, your application will have no use, so it's best to be cautious and take these security risks head-on.

The most common security threats to React applications

The React library is continuously improved and updated, so it is impossible to provide a comprehensive list of vulnerabilities.

However, I will focus here on the most well-known and common threats.

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

The XSS vulnerability is a serious client-side issue. An attacker can inject malicious code into your program that is interpreted as valid and executed as part of the application.

If this happens, the app and the data of the users are compromised.


Cross-site scripting attacks can take two forms:

  • Reflected XSS – The attacker creates a malicious link that includes some JS code that the browser processes in order to gain access and manipulate the page content, cookies, and other important information.

  • Stored XSS – This attack involves storing malicious content on a server and executing it when a user requests the stored data. Unwanted content appears on your site.

2. Broken Authentication

The lack of authorization is another common issue in React.js applications. In this case, attackers can steal credentials and launch brute-force attacks.

As a result of broken authorization, there are numerous risks associated, including session IDs being exposed in URLs, attackers discovering easy and predictable login details, credential transmissions without encryption, and persisting sessions after logging out.

Your application's database is exposed due to this vulnerability. By injecting harmful SQL code, the attacker is able to modify data without permission.

Your hacker will be able to access all your app's data, create fake logins, and control administrator privileges.


In an XXE attack, the attacker targets the XML parser, which is responsible for converting the XML into readable code.

There is malicious code injected into the parsers that collects sensitive data or might attempt CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) and DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks.

The "zip slip" vulnerability in React applications involves exploiting the feature that enables the upload of zip files.

In the event that the archive used to unzip the zip file is not secure, the attacker is able to access the uploaded files outside the assigned directory.

The attacker can use this threat to execute arbitrary commands on some processes within your application.

Random commands are dangerous since they can change your configuration files or any part of the code for that matter.

Now that we know how wrong things can go, let's see what we can do to prevent them.

Best practices for React.js security

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – so ensure that your application is secure by following proper protocols.

You might not consider every vulnerability, but you can certainly improve the security of your app by addressing the most common threats.

Here are some best practices for securing your React application:

1. Secure basic authentication of your React app

To ensure the security of your application, it is important that the connection between the server and the client is secure.

The easiest way to do this is to ensure that the domain header contains the realm attribute.

Users can access restricted data within a realm by entering a username and password.

A security realm can be created in the manner shown below:


Another easy and effective method is to use multi-factor authentication.

A user will only be able to gain access to important features of your application after providing two or more authentication credentials that verify their identity.


In addition, you should always create a new session ID with a server-side session manager for every new login.

By implementing basic secure authentication, your React.js app can mitigate XSS and broken authentication issues.

2. Make sure that the HTML code is resilient

HTML is required to render any React application, so make sure your HTML code is secure. There are three constructive ways to accomplish this:

  • Disable HTML markups

An HTML element that has the disabled attribute set becomes non-mutable. The element cannot be focused on or submitted.

The element can then be validated and enabled only when the validation is true.

Using this method, malicious data cannot be submitted and have disastrous effects.

Here's an example code snippet to disable a button:


  • Use escape characters

A syntax called JavaScript XML (JSX) allows you to write HTML within React.

It also has an inbuilt auto-escaping feature that you can use to make your application secure.

React automatically escapes values that are not part of the bound data when you bind data using curly braces  {}.

Here's an example:


The JSX parser will detect if a hacker attempts to inject extra CSS into the variable myAppColor, such as color: purple, background-color: pink.

As a result, the additional data will be escaped, and the attack will be neutralized.

  • Utilize dangerouslySetInnerHTML and sanitize HTML

You may need to render dynamic HTML code, such as user-provided data. The app uses 'innerHTML', which makes it vulnerable to malicious data.

There is a feature in React that can alert you of this potential vulnerability called dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

A warning is displayed so you can ensure the data entered when this prop exists comes from a trusted source.

Using libraries such as DOMPurify, you can also scan user input and remove malicious content.


The user input can also be scanned and malicious content removed with the help of libraries like DOMPurify.


Consider what happens if an attacker inserts the following code with the image:


This value would be sanitized as follows:


This protects your React application against attacks like XSS and arbitrary code execution.

3. Use allowlist/blocklist and validation while URL parsing

You must be very careful when using the anchor tag <a>  and URLs for linking content to make sure that attackers cannot add JavaScript payloads.

Verify URLs using HTTP or HTTPS protocols to prevent URL-based malicious script injection.


The allowlist/blocklist method is another way to protect your React application.

In allowlisting, you maintain a list of all the links that are safe and can be accessed, whereas, in blocklisting, you keep a list of all potential threats that should be blocked.

A good practice is to allowlist only known sites and block all others. Because it is difficult to keep track of all the possible harmful links, it is a good idea to allowlist only known sites.

Validating URLs prevents broken authentication, XSS, arbitrary code execution, and SQL injection.

4. Always use the principle of least privilege when allowing a connection to any database

When developing a React application, always adhere to the principle of least privilege. Every process and user must be allowed access only to the information and resources they need to fulfill their purpose.

When connecting to your application's database, it is dangerous to allow anyone to update, insert, or delete, so it is important to assign database roles to various users.

If you don't need admin privileges for your application's database, don't give them to anyone. It reduces the chances of SQL injection attacks and makes your application more secure.

5. Secure your React APIs

A strong and weak point of React APIs is that they enable connectivity between your app and other services.

Information can be stored and even commands can be executed using these APIs. This could expose your app to XSS and SQL injection attacks.

Validating the API functions against their API schemas is a powerful mitigation technique against this vulnerability.

In addition, schedule schema validations on a regular basis and encrypt all interactions with SSL/TLS.

Use benign characters instead of < when sending data through APIs.


6. Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAFs monitor, analyze, and filter traffic in both directions in order to detect and block malicious content.

There are three ways to implement a web application firewall:

  • Network-based firewalls are hardware-based.

  • A host-based firewall that is built into the software.

  • Cloud-based WAF

WAF's signature-based filtering prevents SQL injection, XSS, arbitrary code execution and zip slip.

7. Set up proper file management

You should always follow proper file management practices when developing React apps to avoid zip slips and other risks.

  • Ensure that the file names are standard and contain no special characters.

  • When uploading a zip file, rename it before extracting and using it.

  • Organize all files of a single component in one folder to make it easier to find suspicious files.

8. Never serialize sensitive data

Your React application most likely creates its initial state using JSON.

JSON.stringify() is a function that converts any data into a string without detecting malicious values, which makes it potentially dangerous.

It is possible for an attacker to modify valid data such as username and password by injecting JS objects.


Using the serialize-javascript NPM module will escape the rendered JSON, or you can use complex JSON formats that will avoid serialization.

A better way to prevent any mishaps is to leave confidential data off the serialized form.


When creating a React application, you need to be aware of many potential threats.

The lack of proper security can lead to financial loss, wasted time, trust breaches, and legal issues for your app.

Making your React app secure can be quite complex and challenging when there are new vulnerabilities every day and attackers are exploiting more and more loopholes.

If you need React developers with experience in security, you can either hire them or contract with a software development company whose specialty is developing React JS applications.

A security expert is key when it comes to your safety.

This dynamic and reusable framework is easy to set up and use if you want to create interactive web applications.

React.js is useful for many applications

  • Several open-source components can be integrated into your project, allowing your project to be more customized

  • Using it, complex applications can be created without reloading the page

  • Easy implementation of a project - you can get started quickly and easily

  • Simple integration with other JS libraries

React is a great framework, as you can see. When using it for your project, there are a few things to keep in mind.

React Security Vulnerabilities

In the modern world, with so much data being shared more than ever before, you must be aware of the risks associated with any technology you use in your application.

The convenience and speed of React make it risky and easy to forget about security concerns.

Although React has fewer attack points than other frameworks, it is still not completely secure.

Due to React's compatibility with other open-source components and the lack of strong default security settings, it becomes prone to security breaches.


A large amount of personal data is shared by various apps on a daily basis. As a result, there is a greater risk of exposing private and financial data.

Using React, your company could become subject to privacy regulation violations if a data breach occurs.

Without proper security features in React, your application will have no use, so it's best to be cautious and take these security risks head-on.

The most common security threats to React applications

The React library is continuously improved and updated, so it is impossible to provide a comprehensive list of vulnerabilities.

However, I will focus here on the most well-known and common threats.

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

The XSS vulnerability is a serious client-side issue. An attacker can inject malicious code into your program that is interpreted as valid and executed as part of the application.

If this happens, the app and the data of the users are compromised.


Cross-site scripting attacks can take two forms:

  • Reflected XSS – The attacker creates a malicious link that includes some JS code that the browser processes in order to gain access and manipulate the page content, cookies, and other important information.

  • Stored XSS – This attack involves storing malicious content on a server and executing it when a user requests the stored data. Unwanted content appears on your site.

2. Broken Authentication

The lack of authorization is another common issue in React.js applications. In this case, attackers can steal credentials and launch brute-force attacks.

As a result of broken authorization, there are numerous risks associated, including session IDs being exposed in URLs, attackers discovering easy and predictable login details, credential transmissions without encryption, and persisting sessions after logging out.

Your application's database is exposed due to this vulnerability. By injecting harmful SQL code, the attacker is able to modify data without permission.

Your hacker will be able to access all your app's data, create fake logins, and control administrator privileges.


In an XXE attack, the attacker targets the XML parser, which is responsible for converting the XML into readable code.

There is malicious code injected into the parsers that collects sensitive data or might attempt CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) and DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks.

The "zip slip" vulnerability in React applications involves exploiting the feature that enables the upload of zip files.

In the event that the archive used to unzip the zip file is not secure, the attacker is able to access the uploaded files outside the assigned directory.

The attacker can use this threat to execute arbitrary commands on some processes within your application.

Random commands are dangerous since they can change your configuration files or any part of the code for that matter.

Now that we know how wrong things can go, let's see what we can do to prevent them.

Best practices for React.js security

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – so ensure that your application is secure by following proper protocols.

You might not consider every vulnerability, but you can certainly improve the security of your app by addressing the most common threats.

Here are some best practices for securing your React application:

1. Secure basic authentication of your React app

To ensure the security of your application, it is important that the connection between the server and the client is secure.

The easiest way to do this is to ensure that the domain header contains the realm attribute.

Users can access restricted data within a realm by entering a username and password.

A security realm can be created in the manner shown below:


Another easy and effective method is to use multi-factor authentication.

A user will only be able to gain access to important features of your application after providing two or more authentication credentials that verify their identity.


In addition, you should always create a new session ID with a server-side session manager for every new login.

By implementing basic secure authentication, your React.js app can mitigate XSS and broken authentication issues.

2. Make sure that the HTML code is resilient

HTML is required to render any React application, so make sure your HTML code is secure. There are three constructive ways to accomplish this:

  • Disable HTML markups

An HTML element that has the disabled attribute set becomes non-mutable. The element cannot be focused on or submitted.

The element can then be validated and enabled only when the validation is true.

Using this method, malicious data cannot be submitted and have disastrous effects.

Here's an example code snippet to disable a button:


  • Use escape characters

A syntax called JavaScript XML (JSX) allows you to write HTML within React.

It also has an inbuilt auto-escaping feature that you can use to make your application secure.

React automatically escapes values that are not part of the bound data when you bind data using curly braces  {}.

Here's an example:


The JSX parser will detect if a hacker attempts to inject extra CSS into the variable myAppColor, such as color: purple, background-color: pink.

As a result, the additional data will be escaped, and the attack will be neutralized.

  • Utilize dangerouslySetInnerHTML and sanitize HTML

You may need to render dynamic HTML code, such as user-provided data. The app uses 'innerHTML', which makes it vulnerable to malicious data.

There is a feature in React that can alert you of this potential vulnerability called dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

A warning is displayed so you can ensure the data entered when this prop exists comes from a trusted source.

Using libraries such as DOMPurify, you can also scan user input and remove malicious content.


The user input can also be scanned and malicious content removed with the help of libraries like DOMPurify.


Consider what happens if an attacker inserts the following code with the image:


This value would be sanitized as follows:


This protects your React application against attacks like XSS and arbitrary code execution.

3. Use allowlist/blocklist and validation while URL parsing

You must be very careful when using the anchor tag <a>  and URLs for linking content to make sure that attackers cannot add JavaScript payloads.

Verify URLs using HTTP or HTTPS protocols to prevent URL-based malicious script injection.


The allowlist/blocklist method is another way to protect your React application.

In allowlisting, you maintain a list of all the links that are safe and can be accessed, whereas, in blocklisting, you keep a list of all potential threats that should be blocked.

A good practice is to allowlist only known sites and block all others. Because it is difficult to keep track of all the possible harmful links, it is a good idea to allowlist only known sites.

Validating URLs prevents broken authentication, XSS, arbitrary code execution, and SQL injection.

4. Always use the principle of least privilege when allowing a connection to any database

When developing a React application, always adhere to the principle of least privilege. Every process and user must be allowed access only to the information and resources they need to fulfill their purpose.

When connecting to your application's database, it is dangerous to allow anyone to update, insert, or delete, so it is important to assign database roles to various users.

If you don't need admin privileges for your application's database, don't give them to anyone. It reduces the chances of SQL injection attacks and makes your application more secure.

5. Secure your React APIs

A strong and weak point of React APIs is that they enable connectivity between your app and other services.

Information can be stored and even commands can be executed using these APIs. This could expose your app to XSS and SQL injection attacks.

Validating the API functions against their API schemas is a powerful mitigation technique against this vulnerability.

In addition, schedule schema validations on a regular basis and encrypt all interactions with SSL/TLS.

Use benign characters instead of < when sending data through APIs.


6. Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAFs monitor, analyze, and filter traffic in both directions in order to detect and block malicious content.

There are three ways to implement a web application firewall:

  • Network-based firewalls are hardware-based.

  • A host-based firewall that is built into the software.

  • Cloud-based WAF

WAF's signature-based filtering prevents SQL injection, XSS, arbitrary code execution and zip slip.

7. Set up proper file management

You should always follow proper file management practices when developing React apps to avoid zip slips and other risks.

  • Ensure that the file names are standard and contain no special characters.

  • When uploading a zip file, rename it before extracting and using it.

  • Organize all files of a single component in one folder to make it easier to find suspicious files.

8. Never serialize sensitive data

Your React application most likely creates its initial state using JSON.

JSON.stringify() is a function that converts any data into a string without detecting malicious values, which makes it potentially dangerous.

It is possible for an attacker to modify valid data such as username and password by injecting JS objects.


Using the serialize-javascript NPM module will escape the rendered JSON, or you can use complex JSON formats that will avoid serialization.

A better way to prevent any mishaps is to leave confidential data off the serialized form.


When creating a React application, you need to be aware of many potential threats.

The lack of proper security can lead to financial loss, wasted time, trust breaches, and legal issues for your app.

Making your React app secure can be quite complex and challenging when there are new vulnerabilities every day and attackers are exploiting more and more loopholes.

If you need React developers with experience in security, you can either hire them or contract with a software development company whose specialty is developing React JS applications.

A security expert is key when it comes to your safety.

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