The Most Underrated Skills Of A Top Developer

Andy Charters
August 18, 2023
Tech News

You hear the words ‘top developer’ and your mind suddenly races to intricate coding skills and keen analytical capabilities. But do you know that there are soft skills for software developers that fall outside this circle?

Sure, every skilled developer needs to have a hang of programming languages. Nevertheless, there are so many soft skills for computer programmers that get overlooked for the ‘big stuff.’ These skills are vital and make for a more well-rounded professional. That’s because programming is tasking enough, but with these underrated skills, you may just get ahead of the curve.

1. Communication

Let us start by saying that communication is multi-layered here. First, there is communication with non-tech colleagues then there’s the tech folk. Whether you work as a developer for Microsoft or IBM, you will need to communicate with people other than your tech-inclined colleagues. Do not go into this role expecting others to learn in-depth tech lingua to understand you.

Look at it this way, you are bilingual and your non-tech colleagues are monolingual. Isn’t it easier for you to communicate with them upfront than for them to learn complicated terms? The answer is clear. So, let’s say that you are trying to explain something to a team that comprises personnel with no tech background. Try to look for metaphors or analogies that they can use to grasp your point. This will save you time and increase productivity.

Now, onto the next point, you need to learn how to communicate with your tech-inclined colleagues. Most times, your duties are a small part of a big project. But that does not mean they are not important. So, you need to let your team members know your progress. Not checking in, regardless of how minute your duty is, can drag the whole team behind.

Even worse, it may cause them to do it all over again. Where is the productivity there? Especially, if you are a newbie or a lower-level employee, this does not look good for your prospects. All in all, let communication come easy to you and the work will be a lot easier. If you practice this skill, you will have a positive outlook in your job as a developer.

2. Basic typing skills

Contrary to what Hollywood shows you, not every developer types at the speed of light. Touch typing is a basic skill that every 21st century professional should have in the bag. How much for more developers? Look at it this way, your run-of-the-mill Qwerty keyboard is designed to accommodate the ten fingers.

Sure, there are a handful of developers out there that take advantage of this to the fullest. Some of them even clack away without glancing at the keyboard once. Nevertheless, you will find developers that use a measly two to three fingers to get their work done. Taking it up a notch, others have to look at the keyboard a little too much. No one is saying that alternating the gaze between screen and keyboard makes developers incompetent. In fact, they may have some of the sharpest minds in the industry. But, think of how much more productive one can be when touch typing is in the bag.

It goes a long way to save time, energy, and money. Also, at the end of the day, developers with good touch typing skills will cover more ground. So, before you try your hand at hardcore tech tasks, learn how to navigate the humble keyboard.

3. Asking intuitive questions.

Even outside the world of coding, one thing can be interpreted in more than one way. So, do not be that person who is assigned a task and delves right into it without truly understanding. This does not portray your ability to work independently. Here it is not just about asking the right questions in general.

Know which questions to ask when the need arises. Each task, no matter how similar it seems, is different. As such, you should be able to gauge which questions apply in every situation. This is where intuitiveness comes into play. The questions you ask should reveal the very essence of the task assigned.

This also involves visualization, because you should be able to conjure the issue your task is trying to solve in your mind’s eye. With this, it is easier to anticipate any future challenges and kinks that need to be worked out. It is based on this that the best questions will emerge. With this in mind, Never equate asking questions with incompetence.

In fact, it is a sign of incompetency not to ask the right questions before delving into a project. It is all about uncovering the inner workings of the project you are working on. The more answers you have the more efficient the final product will be.

4. Adaptability and willingness to learn.

There is no field where one person knows everything. New techniques, theories, and methods are learned every day. It is even more so when it comes to the tech-inclined roles. The rate at which technological advancements pop up these days is alarming. A developer who is stuck in their ways is bound to have a short career.

A clear example is how once celebrated methodologies like Waterfall have been replaced with others like Agile, Lean, and Scrum. Though Waterfall set a precedent for all these new methodologies, it would be foolish not to upgrade your knowledge. Developers have to be readily hungry to learn more.

In other words, they should have this sense of curiosity that pushes them to explore new things even when faced with impending failure. You would be surprised how many mistakes were encountered before some of the best products were perfected. Even at that, most manufacturers still upgrade their products because there is always room for improvement. Besides, being adaptable and open to new ideas makes for a better developer. It is also a great way to find out your strong/weak points, then work on them. Sure, being open-minded comes easier to some than others.

One way to fake it till you make it is to ask questions. Yes, this point is so crucial that it may pop up more than once. Asking questions is a great way to show your colleagues that you are willing to learn new things. As a bonus, it also checks the box in terms of communication.

Creativity and critical thinking.

When people hear the word creativity, their mind rushes to writing, dancing, singing, and arts in general. You would be surprised at how much creativity it takes to be a developer. Remember earlier we mentioned that visualization? It takes a lot of creativity to imagine the intricate details of a project. As such, developers should stock up on a range of creative techniques that help with tackling problems.

No one is saying developers have to cram all the creative methods out there. In fact, that takes away from the creative process. If you find a method that works for you, then have at it. This is even more necessary when the problems encountered have multiple situations. It is creativity that will help explore all the possibilities to come up with the best route.

Most times, creativity is interwoven with critical thinking. It is not enough to explore all routes and possibilities. You need to be able to reel it in and narrow down on what works. This is where critical thinking comes into play. In the long run, these skills help all developers tackle complex problems while improving all-around efficiency.

Open-source contributions.

Managing the hurdles that come with your own job is hard enough, right? Where will you possibly get the time to contribute to open-source projects? Think of it this way, in every career line you have to pay your dues. To stand out as a developer, you need to get the word out there about how good you are.

No one is going to take your word for it, they need to see it. Contributing to open-source projects is a sure way to showcase your skills. Your colleagues, peers, and superiors in the industry can catch a glimpse of your thought process. In fact, most companies are attracted to candidates that have loaded GitHub profiles with an extensive range of projects and activities.

Sure, this is not the only thing that makes a developer stand out. In fact, it may not even be the most reliable means. But, it does not hurt to show that you have been keeping busy over the years. Also, it may not completely show the range of your skill, but it will showcase the fact that you are passionate about improving your coding career.

So, even before the big offers start rolling in, look for ways to build your portfolio. Anything from your run-of-the-mill bug fixes to problems that require collaborative algorithms is up for grabs.


What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'documentation'? Giant cabinets filled with dusty files? Online drives stocked with tons of information? Or do you even think about an old-timey secretary sorting it all out?  Well, newsflash, documentation is relevant to all fields of work. Even more, it is not just an administrative process.

As a developer, it is vital that you properly document your project every step of the way. In fact, if you are an active open-source contributor, this is one skill that you need to have handy. With proper documentation, open-source contributors have access to vital information, programming practices, applied coding conventions and so much more.

Rather than scrimmaging for information that is scattered all over the place, it could be readily available if proper documentation is imbibed. Even more, properly documenting your projects makes them more accessible for your peers. You can equally count on the fact that you’ll know exactly where your work is if you want to make reference to it in the future.

The great thing is that there are documenting resources and tools to help you get ahead. So, it may not be that hard to document your project. Altogether, it is better to put in a little effort in the present to save yourself trouble in the future. This is one way to work smart and not hard, your future self will thank you.

Time management.

This one may not be as overlooked as some others, but it is worth mentioning based on its importance. You cannot expect to thrive in the tech world, or any field for that matter, if you cannot effectively manage your time. Sure, you had to tackle deadlines back in school, but the labor market is a whole other ball game.

The thing with the tech industry is that most projects are linked to others. So, for the most part, you will be handling a small part of a large project. As mentioned earlier, this does not reduce the importance of your small role. The same way the parts of the body work together, each part of a project works in tandem.

Who knows? Without your seemingly small contribution being handed in on time, you could bring the entire project to a halt. Time management is so important that most companies employ Agile techniques to get ahead of this. If they take it that seriously, then it is probably a good idea to follow suit.

The great news is that there is a plethora of time management software and techniques out there. You can use any of them to ensure you do not get swallowed by the sheer magnitude of your work. It is also a good idea to be in constant communication with your team members. So if you are lagging behind, they know how to adjust.

Adherence to coding standards.

As much as creativity is encouraged, this should not be the case when writing the actual code. Dealing with obscure code can set projects back by months. So, though it may seem boring and underwhelming, try to stick to standard practice. Keep it simple and readable.


The above-listed skills may seem almost trivial to some. But contrary to what some movies portrayed, developers are not one-dimensional, reclusive types. There is so much more to the job role and with all we’ve looked at today, the sky's the limit. Remember, the field is fast-changing, but there are some soft skills that will improve efficiency and ultimately land you a spot at the top.

Frontend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set. 

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

October 9, 2024
Full Time

Salesforce Consultant

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set. 

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

October 9, 2024
Full Time

Senior Backend Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set. 

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

October 17, 2024
Full Time

Full Stack .NET & JavaScript Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set. 

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 18, 2024
Full Time

DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set. 

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 16, 2024
Full Time

DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set. 

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 16, 2024
Full Time

Solutions Architect

Storma is a UK-owned business established 5 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set. 

Our client is a Canadian-based eCommerce engineering firm helping merchants build and manage their digital store infrastructure, optimize customer experience, and convert traffic to sales more efficiently. 

September 16, 2024
Full Time

Senior QA Tester (Manual and Automation)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 16, 2024
Full Time

Automation QA Tester

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 5, 2024
Part Time

Project Manager

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 3, 2024
Part Time

Fullstack Javascript Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

September 2, 2024
Full Time

Technical Lead

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 30, 2024
Full Time

Senior Nuxt / Vue JS Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 22, 2024
Full Time

Full Stack Angular/Node.js Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 20, 2024
Full Time

React Native Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 20, 2024
Full Time

Automation QA Tester

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 20, 2024
Full Time

Senior Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 16, 2024

Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 16, 2024
Full Time

Front-End UI Developer (React + TypeScript) - Crypto & Extension Experience

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 16, 2024
Full Time


Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 15, 2024
Full Time

Senior NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Senior Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

React Native Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring

August 12, 2024
Full Time

DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 9, 2024
Full Time

Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 9, 2024
Full Time

Senior Optimizely/Episerver Developer

July 29, 2024
Full Time

Data Warehouse and Analytics Specialist

July 26, 2024
Full Time

Salesforce Developer

July 25, 2024
Full Time

Business Development Representative

We are seeking a motivated and dynamic Business Development Representative to join our team. This role is crucial for driving our business growth by identifying potential clients, conducting direct outreach, and setting appointments for our sales team. The ideal candidate will have a strong passion for sales, a successful track record of achievement, excellent communication skills, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

July 23, 2024
Full Time

Fullstack Developer (FE Focus)

We are seeking a Fullstack Developer with a strong emphasis on front-end development and user experience to join our team. This role requires a balance of front-end and back-end skills, with a preference for candidates who excel in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

July 22, 2024
Full Time

Project Manager

We are seeking an experienced IT Project Manager to oversee the planning, implementation, and tracking of IT projects. The ideal candidate will have strong technical skills combined with excellent leadership abilities to ensure projects are completed on time, within scope, and within budget

July 18, 2024
Full Time

Software Engineer

  • Skills: PHP, SQL, JavaScript, some .Net
  • Remote or Makati Offices (Your choice)    
  • Competitive Salary 
  • Philippines Benefits + HMO
  • Shift: Mid-shift
  • Position: Full-time

July 17, 2024
Full Time

Full Stack .NET Developer

July 9, 2024
Full Time

QA Automation Engineer

We are looking for a talented Software Tester to join our expanding QA team. You will be working as part of a highly skilled team, helping build high-quality interactive web and mobile applications. You will work on implementing automation tests for our products to make sure they are kept robust.

July 2, 2024
Full Time

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer

June 25, 2024
Full Time

Senior Android Developer

September 27, 2024
Full Time

Full Stack .Net Developer

As a Full-Stack Developer, you will play a pivotal role in advancing our core product, which is market-ready and positioned for continuous improvement and innovation. You will be integral to the entire development lifecycle, enhancing existing features and deploying new functionalities. You will stay abreast of industry trends to continuously innovate and improve our product, taking ownership of projects from conception through to implementation.

June 25, 2024
Full Time

Senior IOS Developer

As an iOS Developer, you lead technical excellence and management within our team on a leading VOD platform. You ensure iOS projects are delivered on time and within budget while providing clear solutions to complex technical issues. Your role fosters innovation and excellence through the adoption of new technologies and best practices, supporting the team to produce top-tier work.

June 21, 2024
Full Time

Software QA Test Engineer (Manual)

This role will be to collaborate on the Quality Assurance of the company’s application, whilst also taking responsibility for the back-end architecture. You will assume responsibility for a wide range of activities that will include candidate support, client and integration support activities, and project-based work to improve our overall effectiveness

June 21, 2024
Full Time

QA Engineer

As a QA Engineer, the ideal candidate will have a strong background in both manual and automated testing, with a focus on mobile and web applications. This role involves working closely with developers, product owners, and UX/UI designers to ensure the highest quality of our software products.

June 21, 2024
Full Time

Full Stack Shopify Developer

June 20, 2024
Full Time

Senior Video Editor

We seek a Video Editor with a strong creative eye. You'll create high-quality YouTube videos, repurpose content, and streamline workflows using Adobe Premiere,, CapCut, and other AI tools to maximize your video editing efforts. You will create videos on a weekly basis for our company and our CEO's personal brand. The job is completely remote, but we have offices in Makati, where you might be asked to join us occasionally for team gatherings.

This is an exciting opportunity for a video editor who has a growth mindset, who takes pride in their work and enjoys working from the comfort of their home.

June 18, 2024
Full Time

Senior Developer - Zuora Subscription Billing

As a Senior Developer specializing in Zuora Subscription Billing, you will be responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of Zuora Subscription Billing solutions to support our subscription-based business model. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to understand business requirements and implement solutions that align with the company's objectives.

June 17, 2024
Full Time

Senior Backend Engineer

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago.We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

June 14, 2024
Full Time

FileVine Consultant

June 13, 2024
Full Time

Back End Developer (Python)

Writing scalable, robust, testable, efficient, and easily maintainable code. Translating software requirements into stable, working, high performance software. Playing a key role in architectural and design decisions, building toward an efficient microservices distributed architecture.
June 10, 2024
Full Time

Head of Growth Marketing

Cloud Employee is building a ‘Future of Work’ AI driven talent tech platform in the remote software engineer staffing space. 

In this strategic and hands-on creative role, you'll have the opportunity to shape the narrative of remote work and impact the tech industry at a global scale. 

With team members across the US, LATAM, Europe and Asia - we’re on a mission to bridge the talent gap with our matching platform and employee experience programs.

We need your storytelling strategy skills to ‘share the journey’ and the human stories behind our business

May 1, 2024
Full Time

Software QA Test Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior/Team Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Senior/Team Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Senior/Lead Backend Developer - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior/Lead Backend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior UI Developer with Umbraco

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Software Engineer (VB6)

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 12, 2024
Full Time

Senior /Lead Fullstack Developer - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Integrations Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Integration Backend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack Python Developer with React

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack PHP Laravel Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Frontend Developer (React)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Senior DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Our Client

A leading UK-company that specializes in providing foreign currencies solutions

Full Time

Robotics Software Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

In your role as a Robotics Software Engineer, your expertise in Robotic Software Engineering will be the key to your success. Collaborating with our skilled team, you'll play a pivotal role in advancing our cutting-edge product development accelerator. Your responsibilities will involve crafting, programming, and evaluating top-notch software essential for ensuring the dependable and secure operations of commercial robots.

Full Time

Senior Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Python Developer (Senior Level)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Perl Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Mid-Senior Mechanical Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

The position of Mechanical Engineer corresponds to a mid-level role. An ideal candidate for this position possesses robust practical expertise in various technical systems. The responsibilities encompass a combination of individual input within projects and actively leading teams towards achieving a remarkable standard of technical proficiency.

Full Time

Mid-Senior Industrial Design Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

In the role of an Industrial Design Engineer with a focus on cobotics, you will assume a crucial position in envisioning, crafting, and honing both the tangible and operational facets of our collaborative robotic solutions. Your collaboration will extend to cross-functional groups, including mechanical engineers, software developers, and UX designers, in the pursuit of devising cobotic systems centered around users. These systems will redefine effectiveness and safety within industrial settings.


Backend Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A top rated and state of the art cloud based video interviewing solutions company based in the UK catering to over 5000 prominent companies around the world such as Samsung, Uber, Boohoo, Coinbase, 7-Eleven and many more.

Full Time

CNC Machinist

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

CRM Data Specialist (MS Dynamics 365)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Electrical Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Overview

In the role of an Electrical Engineer, your expertise and proficiency in designing electrical-mechanical systems will be a key asset, enabling you to stand out. Collaborating with our skilled team, you will play a vital role in expediting product development processes.

Full Time

Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Front End React Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Front End React Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Frontend Developer (NextJS and React)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Frontend Developer (Senior)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Frontend React Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Full-Stack Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Full-Stack Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full-Stack Laravel/Vue Developer (Jr to Mid)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Full Stack .Net Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Full-Stack Node/VueJS Developer (Mid - Senior)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring

Full Time

Full-Stack PHP Developer (Mid to Senior)

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking passionate mid to senior-level Fullstack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full-Stack PHP Developer Tech Lead

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking passionate Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full stack RoR/VueJS Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Fullstack Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set. We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Fullstack .NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Lead/Senior Frontend Developer (UI/UX) - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established eight years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

Full Time

Marketing Specialists

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set. We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring. ‍
Full Time

Backend Developer (Python)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Full-Stack PHP Developer

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

January 2, 2024
Full Time

The Most Underrated Skills Of A Top Developer

February 16, 2024

You hear the words ‘top developer’ and your mind suddenly races to intricate coding skills and keen analytical capabilities. But do you know that there are soft skills for software developers that fall outside this circle?

Sure, every skilled developer needs to have a hang of programming languages. Nevertheless, there are so many soft skills for computer programmers that get overlooked for the ‘big stuff.’ These skills are vital and make for a more well-rounded professional. That’s because programming is tasking enough, but with these underrated skills, you may just get ahead of the curve.

1. Communication

Let us start by saying that communication is multi-layered here. First, there is communication with non-tech colleagues then there’s the tech folk. Whether you work as a developer for Microsoft or IBM, you will need to communicate with people other than your tech-inclined colleagues. Do not go into this role expecting others to learn in-depth tech lingua to understand you.

Look at it this way, you are bilingual and your non-tech colleagues are monolingual. Isn’t it easier for you to communicate with them upfront than for them to learn complicated terms? The answer is clear. So, let’s say that you are trying to explain something to a team that comprises personnel with no tech background. Try to look for metaphors or analogies that they can use to grasp your point. This will save you time and increase productivity.

Now, onto the next point, you need to learn how to communicate with your tech-inclined colleagues. Most times, your duties are a small part of a big project. But that does not mean they are not important. So, you need to let your team members know your progress. Not checking in, regardless of how minute your duty is, can drag the whole team behind.

Even worse, it may cause them to do it all over again. Where is the productivity there? Especially, if you are a newbie or a lower-level employee, this does not look good for your prospects. All in all, let communication come easy to you and the work will be a lot easier. If you practice this skill, you will have a positive outlook in your job as a developer.

2. Basic typing skills

Contrary to what Hollywood shows you, not every developer types at the speed of light. Touch typing is a basic skill that every 21st century professional should have in the bag. How much for more developers? Look at it this way, your run-of-the-mill Qwerty keyboard is designed to accommodate the ten fingers.

Sure, there are a handful of developers out there that take advantage of this to the fullest. Some of them even clack away without glancing at the keyboard once. Nevertheless, you will find developers that use a measly two to three fingers to get their work done. Taking it up a notch, others have to look at the keyboard a little too much. No one is saying that alternating the gaze between screen and keyboard makes developers incompetent. In fact, they may have some of the sharpest minds in the industry. But, think of how much more productive one can be when touch typing is in the bag.

It goes a long way to save time, energy, and money. Also, at the end of the day, developers with good touch typing skills will cover more ground. So, before you try your hand at hardcore tech tasks, learn how to navigate the humble keyboard.

3. Asking intuitive questions.

Even outside the world of coding, one thing can be interpreted in more than one way. So, do not be that person who is assigned a task and delves right into it without truly understanding. This does not portray your ability to work independently. Here it is not just about asking the right questions in general.

Know which questions to ask when the need arises. Each task, no matter how similar it seems, is different. As such, you should be able to gauge which questions apply in every situation. This is where intuitiveness comes into play. The questions you ask should reveal the very essence of the task assigned.

This also involves visualization, because you should be able to conjure the issue your task is trying to solve in your mind’s eye. With this, it is easier to anticipate any future challenges and kinks that need to be worked out. It is based on this that the best questions will emerge. With this in mind, Never equate asking questions with incompetence.

In fact, it is a sign of incompetency not to ask the right questions before delving into a project. It is all about uncovering the inner workings of the project you are working on. The more answers you have the more efficient the final product will be.

4. Adaptability and willingness to learn.

There is no field where one person knows everything. New techniques, theories, and methods are learned every day. It is even more so when it comes to the tech-inclined roles. The rate at which technological advancements pop up these days is alarming. A developer who is stuck in their ways is bound to have a short career.

A clear example is how once celebrated methodologies like Waterfall have been replaced with others like Agile, Lean, and Scrum. Though Waterfall set a precedent for all these new methodologies, it would be foolish not to upgrade your knowledge. Developers have to be readily hungry to learn more.

In other words, they should have this sense of curiosity that pushes them to explore new things even when faced with impending failure. You would be surprised how many mistakes were encountered before some of the best products were perfected. Even at that, most manufacturers still upgrade their products because there is always room for improvement. Besides, being adaptable and open to new ideas makes for a better developer. It is also a great way to find out your strong/weak points, then work on them. Sure, being open-minded comes easier to some than others.

One way to fake it till you make it is to ask questions. Yes, this point is so crucial that it may pop up more than once. Asking questions is a great way to show your colleagues that you are willing to learn new things. As a bonus, it also checks the box in terms of communication.

Creativity and critical thinking.

When people hear the word creativity, their mind rushes to writing, dancing, singing, and arts in general. You would be surprised at how much creativity it takes to be a developer. Remember earlier we mentioned that visualization? It takes a lot of creativity to imagine the intricate details of a project. As such, developers should stock up on a range of creative techniques that help with tackling problems.

No one is saying developers have to cram all the creative methods out there. In fact, that takes away from the creative process. If you find a method that works for you, then have at it. This is even more necessary when the problems encountered have multiple situations. It is creativity that will help explore all the possibilities to come up with the best route.

Most times, creativity is interwoven with critical thinking. It is not enough to explore all routes and possibilities. You need to be able to reel it in and narrow down on what works. This is where critical thinking comes into play. In the long run, these skills help all developers tackle complex problems while improving all-around efficiency.

Open-source contributions.

Managing the hurdles that come with your own job is hard enough, right? Where will you possibly get the time to contribute to open-source projects? Think of it this way, in every career line you have to pay your dues. To stand out as a developer, you need to get the word out there about how good you are.

No one is going to take your word for it, they need to see it. Contributing to open-source projects is a sure way to showcase your skills. Your colleagues, peers, and superiors in the industry can catch a glimpse of your thought process. In fact, most companies are attracted to candidates that have loaded GitHub profiles with an extensive range of projects and activities.

Sure, this is not the only thing that makes a developer stand out. In fact, it may not even be the most reliable means. But, it does not hurt to show that you have been keeping busy over the years. Also, it may not completely show the range of your skill, but it will showcase the fact that you are passionate about improving your coding career.

So, even before the big offers start rolling in, look for ways to build your portfolio. Anything from your run-of-the-mill bug fixes to problems that require collaborative algorithms is up for grabs.


What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'documentation'? Giant cabinets filled with dusty files? Online drives stocked with tons of information? Or do you even think about an old-timey secretary sorting it all out?  Well, newsflash, documentation is relevant to all fields of work. Even more, it is not just an administrative process.

As a developer, it is vital that you properly document your project every step of the way. In fact, if you are an active open-source contributor, this is one skill that you need to have handy. With proper documentation, open-source contributors have access to vital information, programming practices, applied coding conventions and so much more.

Rather than scrimmaging for information that is scattered all over the place, it could be readily available if proper documentation is imbibed. Even more, properly documenting your projects makes them more accessible for your peers. You can equally count on the fact that you’ll know exactly where your work is if you want to make reference to it in the future.

The great thing is that there are documenting resources and tools to help you get ahead. So, it may not be that hard to document your project. Altogether, it is better to put in a little effort in the present to save yourself trouble in the future. This is one way to work smart and not hard, your future self will thank you.

Time management.

This one may not be as overlooked as some others, but it is worth mentioning based on its importance. You cannot expect to thrive in the tech world, or any field for that matter, if you cannot effectively manage your time. Sure, you had to tackle deadlines back in school, but the labor market is a whole other ball game.

The thing with the tech industry is that most projects are linked to others. So, for the most part, you will be handling a small part of a large project. As mentioned earlier, this does not reduce the importance of your small role. The same way the parts of the body work together, each part of a project works in tandem.

Who knows? Without your seemingly small contribution being handed in on time, you could bring the entire project to a halt. Time management is so important that most companies employ Agile techniques to get ahead of this. If they take it that seriously, then it is probably a good idea to follow suit.

The great news is that there is a plethora of time management software and techniques out there. You can use any of them to ensure you do not get swallowed by the sheer magnitude of your work. It is also a good idea to be in constant communication with your team members. So if you are lagging behind, they know how to adjust.

Adherence to coding standards.

As much as creativity is encouraged, this should not be the case when writing the actual code. Dealing with obscure code can set projects back by months. So, though it may seem boring and underwhelming, try to stick to standard practice. Keep it simple and readable.


The above-listed skills may seem almost trivial to some. But contrary to what some movies portrayed, developers are not one-dimensional, reclusive types. There is so much more to the job role and with all we’ve looked at today, the sky's the limit. Remember, the field is fast-changing, but there are some soft skills that will improve efficiency and ultimately land you a spot at the top.

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