Java BiFunction and Consumer Interface Guide

Andy Charters
August 22, 2023
Programming Tips

Introduction to parallel functional programming

Here in this blog I have explained about parallel functional programming, which focuses on the concepts, techniques, tools, and methods needed to develop Java programs whose computations run in parallel on modern multi-core processors. I've observed a growing demand for software developers who understand how to write parallel functional programs for a range of computing platforms, including mobile devices, laptops and desktops, and servers in cloud computing environments.

This demand is driven by advances in high-performance multi-core processors, however, leveraging these powerful processors effectively requires you to have a deep knowledge of parallel functional programming to increase productivity and performance. Therefore, the goal in this course, is to teach you how to develop high quality and scalable functional programs.

How to Evaluate the Concurrency & Parallelism Mechanisms

Throughout the blog, you'll master the structure, functionality and APIs of Java's parallel streams, fork-join and completable futures frameworks. In addition to learning about these frameworks, I present many case study applications that demonstrate how to apply them in practice. Our advancedblog also covers core Java functional programming features, such as lambda expressions, method references, and functional interfaces.

To get the most out of this blog, you should be familiar with common software patterns, as well as object-oriented design concepts, such as encapsulation, abstraction, extensibility, and polymorphism, and core Java object jointed language features, such as classes, inheritance, dynamic binding, and generics. The topic of parallel functional programming in Java is much broader and deeper.


Now that you've learned about the history of Java, and its concurrency and parallelism mechanisms and frameworks, I am going to mention here about when to apply these different mechanisms, and under what circumstances they should be used. Java's concurrency and parallels and mechanisms span many layers in modern software stacks.

These would include things like the Java development services platform, the Android platform, and so on. And deciding which of the mechanisms to pick depends on various factors that you have to be aware of. If you're developing low-level classes or performance-sensitive apps, such as gaming or mobile gaming, you might want to consider using the shared object mechanisms we talked about. These are things you would find in the java.util.concurrent package. Things like Reentrant Lock, conditioned object, Semaphore, the Atomics and so on. And the reason you might want to select these is because they're designed to be very efficient and very lightweight.

So, there's not a lot of overhead, they're super-duper optimized, there's lots of clever algorithms, there's lots of clever use of native interfaces to speed things up. Lots of clever use of the underlying hardware mechanisms like comparing swap operations and so on. The downside of course, is it's relatively tedious and error-prone to program at this level of abstraction. And therefore, shared objects are often best used by infrastructure developers versus end-user app developers.

Unless your end user-app, as I mentioned before, is highly performance-sensitive like a gaming app. If you're developing frameworks, things that reside on top of these lower-levelmechanisms, then you might want to consider using Java's message-passing mechanisms. And these include various blocking queues like, a ray blocking queue or linked blocking queue. So, for instance, if you were developing the frameworks, you would find in say Android, like the Android a sync task framework or the handler’s messages and runnable or hammer frameworks, that's a good place for using Java's message passing mechanisms.

What are the advantages of Parallelism Mechanism in Java

Likewise, if you take a look at Java fives, frameworks in the executor framework, like the executive service, the executor completion service, they use a lot of those underlying message-passing mechanisms to do the various decoupling and interactions between producer and consumer threads. The benefit of using message-passing relative to shared objects, is they tend to be more flexible and they tend to be more decoupled. Decoupled because you separate the threads that are producing work from the threads that are consuming the work through the use of a thread safe queue.

The downside is that by using this message-passing model, you can end up with a bit more time and space overhead because there's typically more context switching, more synchronization more data movement or memory management required in order to be able to do message-passing compared with shared object operations. If you're building apps, particularly things like mobile apps, which is all the rage these days, you might want to consider programming with the higher-level frameworks we discussed.

Things like Java parallel streams, things like completable futures, as well as other frameworks that are very popular as well, like RX Java, or some of the mechanisms that are provided in later versions of Java, like the reactive streams model in Java nine and beyond. The benefits of using these higher-level frameworks, is the improvement in programmer productivity, because you have to worry about a lot of less details, which are done by the frameworks rather than by you.

And because these frameworks have been developed and debugged and optimized over the years, they tend to be very robust. The downside of course, with using these frameworks is again, there could be some time and space overhead, and they can be overly prescriptive for situations that don't fall neatly into a divide and conquer or react to the synchronous pair of models, which are what parallel streams and completable future support respectively.

On the other hand, this really is a great way to go and not surprising, that's going to be the focus of most of what we'll cover in the rest of this course. A full stack developer should be able to understand the concepts and mechanisms that each of the layers involved in a modern platform ranging from the operating system kernel, to the system libraries, to the execution environments, the virtual machines, for example, the, if you're running an Android, the Dalvik VM, the Android runtime and so on. Up to the concurrency and parallel frameworks we have in the Java platform, the Java class library, as well as other frameworks that may be built on top that.

So, these tutorials we're giving here are going to focus on the higher levels. But be aware that if you're really trying to build yourself as a coveted, full stack developer, it's important to understand the whole span from top to bottom.

How to develop the Consumer Java Functional Interface

Now that we've covered the concurrency and parallelism concepts, and frameworks, and mechanisms provided in Java, especially over time. It's time to talk about how we're going to be applying Java's functional programming features and frameworks in several example case study apps throughout the rest of this course. All of these apps are available in open source form from my GitHub repository.

So please go ahead and clone that repository and you'll find lots and lots and lots of code, which corresponds not only to what we cover in this blog, but also other blogs I have in other contexts as well. So,I am going to mention briefly about the different case study apps we'll be covering in this lesson throughout the course. One of the first case study apps we'll be covering is something called the Thread Join Test, which is a sample app that shows how Java is functional programming features like lambda expressions, and method references are applied to search in parallel for a list of phrases in the complete works of William Shakespeare.


And the above example is neat because it demonstrates how simply knowledge of Java's functional programming mechanisms can be coupled with Java threading in order to get an improvement over more traditional object-oriented threading mechanisms. However, as we'll also see there's a lot to be desired by using threads on their own. And therefore, the rest of the course will cover other case studies that give us more interesting functional, programming and especially parallel functional programming capabilities to illustrate these features and frameworks in Java.

There's another case study called the Simple Search Stream case study that we'll use to show how Java's sequential streams are applied to find words in the lyrics of songs. And this example is really just kind of a warm-up to get you familiar with the capabilities provided in the Java streams framework. And we'll also provide a similar but enhanced case study called the Search Stream Gang case study, which will initially look at a sequential stream as approach just to give you a concept of how things work, and then later we'll also be generalized to support parallel streams.

And what this case study is really a family of case studies allows you to learn about or how to apply Java regular expressions to efficiently match phrases in the complete works of William Shakespeare. And this is a really cool example and it also gives us a chance to compare and contrast a whole bunch of different Java sequential and parallel processing frameworks to see how they scale up in terms of runtime performance on a modern multi core processor, in this case either a quad core, six core multiprocessor to show how different models scale in different ways.

There's also another case study that will apply called the Image Case Study. And this app will demonstrate how you can use completable futures and the completable futures framework to recursively crawl web pages and count the number of images in parallel, using Java's asynchronous reactive programming model. And what's cool about this is this example lets you both crawl things local on your computer, as well as crawl things remotely in the web using identical programming interfaces.

So, it's a really cool example and I think you'll like it quite a bit. And it's actually something you could probably use in your own programs without a whole lot of change, just changing what you're doing as you visit various nodes that you find as you do a recursive descent through a nested hierarchy of folders. And then we're also going to cover a case study app called the Image Stream Gang app. And this is going to show how various Java frameworks in particular parallel streams that completable futures can be applied to download, filter, store and display images in parallel, that are downloaded from web servers across the network.

And this is also really cool, because it'll give us a chance to do apples to apples comparisons between these different parallel functional programming frameworks that Java supports. And you'll see as always, there's fascinating tradeoffs between programmer productivity on the one hand, and the ability of the system to perform and take better advantage of course. And so I think you'll really get a good sense of the tradeoffs between the different frameworks that Java supports.

What are the Other Properties of Java Functional Interface and How to Utilize It

we're now going to talk about other properties, of functional interfaces above and beyond the ones that we've talked about so far. Functional interface, of course, need to have one abstract method, as in the case of the other five examples we've looked at so far so, test for predicate, apply for function and by function, get for the supplier and except for consumer, but it's actually also possible for functional interfaces to have more than one just method.

So, functional interfaces can have default methods, and they can also have static methods, so let's take a look at a concrete example, this is the comparator interface we talked about briefly earlier, when we were talking about sorting list and the comparator interface is basically a way of imposing total ordering on some collection of objects, so here is the abstract method that is defined in the comparator it's called Compare, that's not big surprise, you take two objects of type T, which passes as the parameter to comparator, and then returns zero if there're same, returns minus number if the first one is less than the second, and it returns a positive number.


See here there's method called Reversed, and this goes ahead and will do a comparison, but it will do it in reversal order, so, rather than having the first value, and the second value, being the order that you call to compare, It will swap it around, you can actually override this method if you wanted to make your own implementation of comparator to reverse it in some other way.

It's also possible to have static methods, in functional interfaces, so here we have reverse order, which is a static method, and because it's a static method, you can't override it, It's the one and only implementation of this method, for this interface, now there is yet another type of method here, which is really mysterious, and at first glance it looks wrong, and this is the equals method, and the equals method of course, is going to be used to compare whether, an instance of the comparator is equal to another object which is also a comparator.

Now what makes it interesting is equals is also an abstract method, well how could that be? You might ask, I thought that functional interfaces could only have, one abstract method? Well it turns out there is an exception, or an escape clause in functional interfaces, and any methods that are defined in, the java.lang.objectclass, that are going to be overridden in a functional interface, don't actually count, as part of that interfaces abstract method count.

So, methods like equals, hash and so on, there're various methods that can be overwritten from java.lang.object, you can have those in a functional interface, without having it count or as the one method that's abstract in a functional interface, and yes I agree that, that's very strange but I think that, that's really a characteristic of the fact that when Java was first designed back in the day, they didn't have all the modern notations of making interfaces cooler and more powerful.

So, they might have done something different if they had concept of functional interfaces from day one, and they might have defined jave.lang.object, to be an interface with default methods, as opposed to being this special class that is treated in somewhat exceptional way, by the Java compiler and runtime system.

How to implement and use Java Bifunction Functional Interface

After I mentioned details about the Function functional interface, I am now going to explain about a slight generalization to Function called BiFunction. And as before, we'll show an example of this in the context of the Java collections framework. So, a BiFunction is a functional interface that applies a computation on two parameters and returns a result.

So unlike Function, which only worked on one parameter, the apply method on BiFunction takes a T and a U, which are two different types, or could be the same type, but it could be different types, and returns a value of type R. So,I am going to go back to our map example using our Stooge map which maps the Stooges to their IQs, so it's mapping stringed integer. As before, we initialized the map with Larry having the IQ of 100, Curly having the IQ of 90 and Moe having the IQ of 110.


And then we're going to show a couple of different ways to manipulate the map entries. So, the first way, kind of a conventional way of doing this, is to use a forEach loop, which is going to iterate through every entry in the entry set of the map. And what we're going to do is we're going to take the current value, which is the IQ of a Stooge, subtract 50 points from it because perhaps the Stooges have gotten even dumber than they used to be, and then we're going to go ahead and set the value with the updated value. So that's kind of the classic way of doing things.

An alternative way of doing things is to use a BiFunction lambda, which in this case is going to subtract 50 IQ points from each Stooge in the map using the replaceAll() method. And I think you'll agree just by looking at this it's a lot more concise. What replaceAll is going to do is it's going to do the same thing that that loop did, except it's going to centralize it in one method and that's going to have a couple of other benefits.

So, one of the benefits for using replaceAll instead of using the forEach loop is that replaceAll operates in a thread-safe manner, whereas the earlier approach does not operate in a thread-safe manner at all. So, if multiple threads were setting and getting the values in the map in that manner, you'd have chaos and insanity as the result, whereas replaceAll will be much cleverer about how that works.

Let's take a look at replaceAll. I believe the other reason why you'd want to use replaceAll is it's just more concise. It does it all in one fell swoop. So, you can see replaceAll is passed in a BiFunction, which oddly enough in the implementation is called Function. Probably should've called it BiFunction, but the parameter name is Function and it's a BiFunction. The particular example here, we're going to be passing in the lambda expression v - 50. So that's value minus 50, where K is the key and V is the value. Here's what this looks like when we get into the actual implementation. When we're doing the replaceAll, as you can see, we're iterating through all the entries in the map.

Actual implementation:

Here, the apply() method here is replaced by v-50 BiFunction lambda.


And for each of the key value pairs in the map, we're going to apply the function that's passed in as a parameter and we're going to give it the key and the old value, and it's going to go ahead and compute a new value and it's going to replace the old value with the new value in the map. So that just illustrates a nice way of being able to apply BiFunction. Not really all that much different, quite frankly, from Function. Just allows you to have two parameters, in this case the key and the old value, as opposed to just having one.

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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

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August 22, 2024
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August 20, 2024
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

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August 20, 2024
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

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August 20, 2024
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set.

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August 16, 2024

Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill set.

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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

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August 16, 2024
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Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 15, 2024
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
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React Native Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill sets.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring

August 12, 2024
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

August 9, 2024
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Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers from the Philippines join to work as part of international engineering teams and grow their CVs and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

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Full Time

Senior Backend Engineer

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago.We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

June 14, 2024
Full Time

FileVine Consultant

June 13, 2024
Full Time

Back End Developer (Python)

Writing scalable, robust, testable, efficient, and easily maintainable code. Translating software requirements into stable, working, high performance software. Playing a key role in architectural and design decisions, building toward an efficient microservices distributed architecture.
June 10, 2024
Full Time

Head of Growth Marketing

Cloud Employee is building a ‘Future of Work’ AI driven talent tech platform in the remote software engineer staffing space. 

In this strategic and hands-on creative role, you'll have the opportunity to shape the narrative of remote work and impact the tech industry at a global scale. 

With team members across the US, LATAM, Europe and Asia - we’re on a mission to bridge the talent gap with our matching platform and employee experience programs.

We need your storytelling strategy skills to ‘share the journey’ and the human stories behind our business

May 1, 2024
Full Time

Software QA Test Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior/Team Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Senior/Team Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Senior/Lead Backend Developer - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior/Lead Backend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior UI Developer with Umbraco

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Software Engineer (VB6)

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

August 12, 2024
Full Time

Senior /Lead Fullstack Developer - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Integrations Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Integration Backend Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack Python Developer with React

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack PHP Laravel Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Frontend Developer (React)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Senior DevOps Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Our Client

A leading UK-company that specializes in providing foreign currencies solutions

Full Time

Robotics Software Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

In your role as a Robotics Software Engineer, your expertise in Robotic Software Engineering will be the key to your success. Collaborating with our skilled team, you'll play a pivotal role in advancing our cutting-edge product development accelerator. Your responsibilities will involve crafting, programming, and evaluating top-notch software essential for ensuring the dependable and secure operations of commercial robots.

Full Time

Senior Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Python Developer (Senior Level)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Perl Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Mid-Senior Mechanical Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

The position of Mechanical Engineer corresponds to a mid-level role. An ideal candidate for this position possesses robust practical expertise in various technical systems. The responsibilities encompass a combination of individual input within projects and actively leading teams towards achieving a remarkable standard of technical proficiency.

Full Time

Mid-Senior Industrial Design Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Summary

In the role of an Industrial Design Engineer with a focus on cobotics, you will assume a crucial position in envisioning, crafting, and honing both the tangible and operational facets of our collaborative robotic solutions. Your collaboration will extend to cross-functional groups, including mechanical engineers, software developers, and UX designers, in the pursuit of devising cobotic systems centered around users. These systems will redefine effectiveness and safety within industrial settings.


Backend Python Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace continuously investing in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A top rated and state of the art cloud based video interviewing solutions company based in the UK catering to over 5000 prominent companies around the world such as Samsung, Uber, Boohoo, Coinbase, 7-Eleven and many more.

Full Time

CNC Machinist

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

CRM Data Specialist (MS Dynamics 365)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Electrical Engineer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

A completely integrated innovation studio within the corporate framework, with a primary emphasis on making the future of the food industry accessible to all. Their core objective is to discover, create, and expand tailored automation remedies, utilizing a team of proficient individuals covering domains like engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our central mission revolves around constructing automation technology solutions that empower individuals to achieve greater feats.

Position Overview

In the role of an Electrical Engineer, your expertise and proficiency in designing electrical-mechanical systems will be a key asset, enabling you to stand out. Collaborating with our skilled team, you will play a vital role in expediting product development processes.

Full Time

Front-End Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Front End React Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Front End React Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Frontend Developer (NextJS and React)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Frontend Developer (Senior)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Frontend React Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.


Full-Stack Developer

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking a passionate Full-Stack Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full-Stack Laravel/Vue Developer (Jr to Mid)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Full Stack .Net Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Full-Stack Node/VueJS Developer (Mid - Senior)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring

Full Time

Full-Stack PHP Developer (Mid to Senior)

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking passionate mid to senior-level Fullstack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full-Stack PHP Developer Tech Lead

Cloud Employee is a fast-growing UK-managed offshore recruitment and staffing company in the Philippines. We tackle the growing global IT skills shortage by connecting tech companies based in Europe, the US, and Australia to our pool of expert software developers in the country.

We are now seeking passionate Lead Full-Stack PHP Developer to join our team of skilled talents. This is an excellent opportunity to join a fun and dynamic work environment and to significantly advance your career.

Full Time

Full stack RoR/VueJS Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Fullstack Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set. We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.
Full Time

Fullstack .NET Developer

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Lead/Senior Frontend Developer (UI/UX) - Brazil

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned business established eight years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent worldwide with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines and Brazil as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, career paths, individual training programs, and mentoring.

Full Time

Marketing Specialists

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set. We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring. ‍
Full Time

Backend Developer (Python)

Cloud Employee, is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineer teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being supportive and cutting-edge work that continuously invests in staff development, engagement and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

Full Time

Senior Full-Stack PHP Developer

Cloud Employee is a UK-owned Philippines business established 8 years ago. We connect high-performing software engineer talent in the Philippines with some of the world’s leading and most innovative tech companies. Developers join to work from the Philippines as part of international engineering teams and grow their CV and skill-set.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive and cutting-edge workplace that continuously invests in staff development, engagement, and well-being. We provide security, and career paths, along with individual training programs and mentoring.

January 2, 2024
Full Time

Java BiFunction and Consumer Interface Guide

February 16, 2024

Introduction to parallel functional programming

Here in this blog I have explained about parallel functional programming, which focuses on the concepts, techniques, tools, and methods needed to develop Java programs whose computations run in parallel on modern multi-core processors. I've observed a growing demand for software developers who understand how to write parallel functional programs for a range of computing platforms, including mobile devices, laptops and desktops, and servers in cloud computing environments.

This demand is driven by advances in high-performance multi-core processors, however, leveraging these powerful processors effectively requires you to have a deep knowledge of parallel functional programming to increase productivity and performance. Therefore, the goal in this course, is to teach you how to develop high quality and scalable functional programs.

How to Evaluate the Concurrency & Parallelism Mechanisms

Throughout the blog, you'll master the structure, functionality and APIs of Java's parallel streams, fork-join and completable futures frameworks. In addition to learning about these frameworks, I present many case study applications that demonstrate how to apply them in practice. Our advancedblog also covers core Java functional programming features, such as lambda expressions, method references, and functional interfaces.

To get the most out of this blog, you should be familiar with common software patterns, as well as object-oriented design concepts, such as encapsulation, abstraction, extensibility, and polymorphism, and core Java object jointed language features, such as classes, inheritance, dynamic binding, and generics. The topic of parallel functional programming in Java is much broader and deeper.


Now that you've learned about the history of Java, and its concurrency and parallelism mechanisms and frameworks, I am going to mention here about when to apply these different mechanisms, and under what circumstances they should be used. Java's concurrency and parallels and mechanisms span many layers in modern software stacks.

These would include things like the Java development services platform, the Android platform, and so on. And deciding which of the mechanisms to pick depends on various factors that you have to be aware of. If you're developing low-level classes or performance-sensitive apps, such as gaming or mobile gaming, you might want to consider using the shared object mechanisms we talked about. These are things you would find in the java.util.concurrent package. Things like Reentrant Lock, conditioned object, Semaphore, the Atomics and so on. And the reason you might want to select these is because they're designed to be very efficient and very lightweight.

So, there's not a lot of overhead, they're super-duper optimized, there's lots of clever algorithms, there's lots of clever use of native interfaces to speed things up. Lots of clever use of the underlying hardware mechanisms like comparing swap operations and so on. The downside of course, is it's relatively tedious and error-prone to program at this level of abstraction. And therefore, shared objects are often best used by infrastructure developers versus end-user app developers.

Unless your end user-app, as I mentioned before, is highly performance-sensitive like a gaming app. If you're developing frameworks, things that reside on top of these lower-levelmechanisms, then you might want to consider using Java's message-passing mechanisms. And these include various blocking queues like, a ray blocking queue or linked blocking queue. So, for instance, if you were developing the frameworks, you would find in say Android, like the Android a sync task framework or the handler’s messages and runnable or hammer frameworks, that's a good place for using Java's message passing mechanisms.

What are the advantages of Parallelism Mechanism in Java

Likewise, if you take a look at Java fives, frameworks in the executor framework, like the executive service, the executor completion service, they use a lot of those underlying message-passing mechanisms to do the various decoupling and interactions between producer and consumer threads. The benefit of using message-passing relative to shared objects, is they tend to be more flexible and they tend to be more decoupled. Decoupled because you separate the threads that are producing work from the threads that are consuming the work through the use of a thread safe queue.

The downside is that by using this message-passing model, you can end up with a bit more time and space overhead because there's typically more context switching, more synchronization more data movement or memory management required in order to be able to do message-passing compared with shared object operations. If you're building apps, particularly things like mobile apps, which is all the rage these days, you might want to consider programming with the higher-level frameworks we discussed.

Things like Java parallel streams, things like completable futures, as well as other frameworks that are very popular as well, like RX Java, or some of the mechanisms that are provided in later versions of Java, like the reactive streams model in Java nine and beyond. The benefits of using these higher-level frameworks, is the improvement in programmer productivity, because you have to worry about a lot of less details, which are done by the frameworks rather than by you.

And because these frameworks have been developed and debugged and optimized over the years, they tend to be very robust. The downside of course, with using these frameworks is again, there could be some time and space overhead, and they can be overly prescriptive for situations that don't fall neatly into a divide and conquer or react to the synchronous pair of models, which are what parallel streams and completable future support respectively.

On the other hand, this really is a great way to go and not surprising, that's going to be the focus of most of what we'll cover in the rest of this course. A full stack developer should be able to understand the concepts and mechanisms that each of the layers involved in a modern platform ranging from the operating system kernel, to the system libraries, to the execution environments, the virtual machines, for example, the, if you're running an Android, the Dalvik VM, the Android runtime and so on. Up to the concurrency and parallel frameworks we have in the Java platform, the Java class library, as well as other frameworks that may be built on top that.

So, these tutorials we're giving here are going to focus on the higher levels. But be aware that if you're really trying to build yourself as a coveted, full stack developer, it's important to understand the whole span from top to bottom.

How to develop the Consumer Java Functional Interface

Now that we've covered the concurrency and parallelism concepts, and frameworks, and mechanisms provided in Java, especially over time. It's time to talk about how we're going to be applying Java's functional programming features and frameworks in several example case study apps throughout the rest of this course. All of these apps are available in open source form from my GitHub repository.

So please go ahead and clone that repository and you'll find lots and lots and lots of code, which corresponds not only to what we cover in this blog, but also other blogs I have in other contexts as well. So,I am going to mention briefly about the different case study apps we'll be covering in this lesson throughout the course. One of the first case study apps we'll be covering is something called the Thread Join Test, which is a sample app that shows how Java is functional programming features like lambda expressions, and method references are applied to search in parallel for a list of phrases in the complete works of William Shakespeare.


And the above example is neat because it demonstrates how simply knowledge of Java's functional programming mechanisms can be coupled with Java threading in order to get an improvement over more traditional object-oriented threading mechanisms. However, as we'll also see there's a lot to be desired by using threads on their own. And therefore, the rest of the course will cover other case studies that give us more interesting functional, programming and especially parallel functional programming capabilities to illustrate these features and frameworks in Java.

There's another case study called the Simple Search Stream case study that we'll use to show how Java's sequential streams are applied to find words in the lyrics of songs. And this example is really just kind of a warm-up to get you familiar with the capabilities provided in the Java streams framework. And we'll also provide a similar but enhanced case study called the Search Stream Gang case study, which will initially look at a sequential stream as approach just to give you a concept of how things work, and then later we'll also be generalized to support parallel streams.

And what this case study is really a family of case studies allows you to learn about or how to apply Java regular expressions to efficiently match phrases in the complete works of William Shakespeare. And this is a really cool example and it also gives us a chance to compare and contrast a whole bunch of different Java sequential and parallel processing frameworks to see how they scale up in terms of runtime performance on a modern multi core processor, in this case either a quad core, six core multiprocessor to show how different models scale in different ways.

There's also another case study that will apply called the Image Case Study. And this app will demonstrate how you can use completable futures and the completable futures framework to recursively crawl web pages and count the number of images in parallel, using Java's asynchronous reactive programming model. And what's cool about this is this example lets you both crawl things local on your computer, as well as crawl things remotely in the web using identical programming interfaces.

So, it's a really cool example and I think you'll like it quite a bit. And it's actually something you could probably use in your own programs without a whole lot of change, just changing what you're doing as you visit various nodes that you find as you do a recursive descent through a nested hierarchy of folders. And then we're also going to cover a case study app called the Image Stream Gang app. And this is going to show how various Java frameworks in particular parallel streams that completable futures can be applied to download, filter, store and display images in parallel, that are downloaded from web servers across the network.

And this is also really cool, because it'll give us a chance to do apples to apples comparisons between these different parallel functional programming frameworks that Java supports. And you'll see as always, there's fascinating tradeoffs between programmer productivity on the one hand, and the ability of the system to perform and take better advantage of course. And so I think you'll really get a good sense of the tradeoffs between the different frameworks that Java supports.

What are the Other Properties of Java Functional Interface and How to Utilize It

we're now going to talk about other properties, of functional interfaces above and beyond the ones that we've talked about so far. Functional interface, of course, need to have one abstract method, as in the case of the other five examples we've looked at so far so, test for predicate, apply for function and by function, get for the supplier and except for consumer, but it's actually also possible for functional interfaces to have more than one just method.

So, functional interfaces can have default methods, and they can also have static methods, so let's take a look at a concrete example, this is the comparator interface we talked about briefly earlier, when we were talking about sorting list and the comparator interface is basically a way of imposing total ordering on some collection of objects, so here is the abstract method that is defined in the comparator it's called Compare, that's not big surprise, you take two objects of type T, which passes as the parameter to comparator, and then returns zero if there're same, returns minus number if the first one is less than the second, and it returns a positive number.


See here there's method called Reversed, and this goes ahead and will do a comparison, but it will do it in reversal order, so, rather than having the first value, and the second value, being the order that you call to compare, It will swap it around, you can actually override this method if you wanted to make your own implementation of comparator to reverse it in some other way.

It's also possible to have static methods, in functional interfaces, so here we have reverse order, which is a static method, and because it's a static method, you can't override it, It's the one and only implementation of this method, for this interface, now there is yet another type of method here, which is really mysterious, and at first glance it looks wrong, and this is the equals method, and the equals method of course, is going to be used to compare whether, an instance of the comparator is equal to another object which is also a comparator.

Now what makes it interesting is equals is also an abstract method, well how could that be? You might ask, I thought that functional interfaces could only have, one abstract method? Well it turns out there is an exception, or an escape clause in functional interfaces, and any methods that are defined in, the java.lang.objectclass, that are going to be overridden in a functional interface, don't actually count, as part of that interfaces abstract method count.

So, methods like equals, hash and so on, there're various methods that can be overwritten from java.lang.object, you can have those in a functional interface, without having it count or as the one method that's abstract in a functional interface, and yes I agree that, that's very strange but I think that, that's really a characteristic of the fact that when Java was first designed back in the day, they didn't have all the modern notations of making interfaces cooler and more powerful.

So, they might have done something different if they had concept of functional interfaces from day one, and they might have defined jave.lang.object, to be an interface with default methods, as opposed to being this special class that is treated in somewhat exceptional way, by the Java compiler and runtime system.

How to implement and use Java Bifunction Functional Interface

After I mentioned details about the Function functional interface, I am now going to explain about a slight generalization to Function called BiFunction. And as before, we'll show an example of this in the context of the Java collections framework. So, a BiFunction is a functional interface that applies a computation on two parameters and returns a result.

So unlike Function, which only worked on one parameter, the apply method on BiFunction takes a T and a U, which are two different types, or could be the same type, but it could be different types, and returns a value of type R. So,I am going to go back to our map example using our Stooge map which maps the Stooges to their IQs, so it's mapping stringed integer. As before, we initialized the map with Larry having the IQ of 100, Curly having the IQ of 90 and Moe having the IQ of 110.


And then we're going to show a couple of different ways to manipulate the map entries. So, the first way, kind of a conventional way of doing this, is to use a forEach loop, which is going to iterate through every entry in the entry set of the map. And what we're going to do is we're going to take the current value, which is the IQ of a Stooge, subtract 50 points from it because perhaps the Stooges have gotten even dumber than they used to be, and then we're going to go ahead and set the value with the updated value. So that's kind of the classic way of doing things.

An alternative way of doing things is to use a BiFunction lambda, which in this case is going to subtract 50 IQ points from each Stooge in the map using the replaceAll() method. And I think you'll agree just by looking at this it's a lot more concise. What replaceAll is going to do is it's going to do the same thing that that loop did, except it's going to centralize it in one method and that's going to have a couple of other benefits.

So, one of the benefits for using replaceAll instead of using the forEach loop is that replaceAll operates in a thread-safe manner, whereas the earlier approach does not operate in a thread-safe manner at all. So, if multiple threads were setting and getting the values in the map in that manner, you'd have chaos and insanity as the result, whereas replaceAll will be much cleverer about how that works.

Let's take a look at replaceAll. I believe the other reason why you'd want to use replaceAll is it's just more concise. It does it all in one fell swoop. So, you can see replaceAll is passed in a BiFunction, which oddly enough in the implementation is called Function. Probably should've called it BiFunction, but the parameter name is Function and it's a BiFunction. The particular example here, we're going to be passing in the lambda expression v - 50. So that's value minus 50, where K is the key and V is the value. Here's what this looks like when we get into the actual implementation. When we're doing the replaceAll, as you can see, we're iterating through all the entries in the map.

Actual implementation:

Here, the apply() method here is replaced by v-50 BiFunction lambda.


And for each of the key value pairs in the map, we're going to apply the function that's passed in as a parameter and we're going to give it the key and the old value, and it's going to go ahead and compute a new value and it's going to replace the old value with the new value in the map. So that just illustrates a nice way of being able to apply BiFunction. Not really all that much different, quite frankly, from Function. Just allows you to have two parameters, in this case the key and the old value, as opposed to just having one.

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